
Broadstone Neighbourhood Watch was formed in 1986 and Since then it has grown steadily and now has members in more than 92% of eligible roads covering 3,200 dwellings. Membership is open to all households within the Broadstone BH18 Post Code within  Poole North Neighbourhood Policing Team area. Members who would like to receive their Newsletters by email, can do so by going to https://eepurl.com/daQPA9 If they do, they are consenting for the Watch to hold their personal data, in this regard (GPDR). To receive Dorset Alerts (up-to-the-minute information about local crime) follow the instructions at www.dorsetalert.co.uk .
The aims of the Watch are to promote and sustain an interest in the prevention of crime against persons and property which is achieved by the closest possible liaison and co-operation between the police, the committee, and individual participants.
Membership is open to all dwellings within the Broadstone postal district (and certain adjacent streets) upon payment of a small donation – currently a minimum of £2 per annum.
The Watch is divided into groups, each with its own leader called a Contact who in turn reports to a Co-ordinator who deals with several Contacts. Currently the Watch has 40 Co-ordinators and 235 Contacts. It is run by a committee consisting of the officers and 8 Co-ordinators elected annually. The Committee meets at the Broadstone Methodist Church every two months.
A register is held by our Membership and Development Officer, of all dwelling addresses in the Watch. When a new group is formed, we arrange for an information pack to be provided for each member containing Window Stickers and leaflets on all manner of personal and property security, and details of our scheme.  Many Contacts are listed on the ‘ALERT System’ which assists in the rapid spread of urgent messages from the Police to all members either by phone or e-mail and has proven to be a highly effective means of disseminating and gathering information on current criminal activity.
We produce a quarterly Newsletter providing information about crimes in the area together with comment and advice. This is delivered to every participating dwelling (or can be sent on-line), and we find that this helps people feel more involved and responsible to work with and for each other.